Faced with a problem that cannot be solved without qualified legal assistance? Then it’s time to choose an attorney. But …
Tips for Choosing a Law Firm
Law is a fairly serious area in which the slightest mistake can lead to unpleasant consequences. To choose a company …
Drunk Driving Laws in America
Alcohol is a major cause of severe road accidents. Punishment differs from state to state, but in all states the …
Tampa Attorney has been accused in soliciting sex from Pinellas County jail inmate
A Tampa lawyer is accused of offering an inmate at the Pinellas County jail money in exchange for a sex …
Marijuana DUI laws debated to arrive at a conclusion
A research study recently concluded that motor driving after marijuana consumption increases the vulnerability of accident to two fold. People …
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Parents may require a criminal defense attorney at their speed dials
Author of legal books, Lisa Green emphasizes the need among teenager parents to be ready with a criminal defense attorney. …
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Florida drivers approach to DUI checkpoints spark debates in legal circles
In Florida, the drivers have started to deal with DUI checkpoints in a manner which has fuelled controversy and debate. …
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How to choose a DUI lawyer and relevant things to know
While searching for any DUI attorney, you’d talk to many attorneys one of whom may represent you in future. It …
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DUI cases can use body cameras
The latest rise in DUI cases has implemented the law agencies to inflict their forces to use up body cameras. …
Getting A DUI Nowadays Is No Joking Matter
Driving is a right and privilege and the level of personal responsibility is high. There’s no driving like a maniac …
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